My Mother At Sixty Six by Kamala Das, CBSE Class 12 English Summary

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My Mother At Sixty Six

Title of My Mother At Sixty Six

The Title of My Mother At Sixty Six itself signifies the growing age of the Author’s Mother and now she is at the final stage of her life cycle.

Theme of My Mother At Sixty Six

The theme of the poem reflects the natural phenomena of the Human Life Cycle from birth to old age and then death. This poem shows the strong relationship between the author and her mother and also explains the pain or fear of separation due to the growing age of her mother.

Read More: A Thing of Beauty by John Keats Simplified Summary.

Summary of My Mother At Sixty Six

My Mother at Sixty Six is a beautiful poem in which the poet describes the image of her mother and her passing age. Once Poet visits her mother’s house and goes back to the airport for Cochin. She noticed her mother’s face who sat beside her in the car. The poet compares her face to a smoky colour like ash and her wide open mouth seems like a dead body. There is the thought stuck in the mind of the poet that her mother is aging and she needs more care, love, and affection. So to divert the negative thoughts away from mind she started looking outside the car window. She sees the moving of the trees and the playing of the children coming out of the home which is opposite to the energy inside the car (aging of her mother). Young trees and youthful children symbolize full of energy, positivity, and happiness.

When the poet reaches the airport she once again sees the face of her mother which appears to be pale and weak. Due to her low energy level, she compared her face to the late winter moon (Just like late winter moons lose their intensity of light due to mist she loses their strength due to aging). This aging of her mother reminds the poet of her childhood fear of losing. At last, she farewells her mother in the hope that she will see her soon. She Smiles while keeping her emotions aside so that her mother does not feel upset.

Conclusion of My Mother At Sixty Six

In conclusion, the Poet wants to meet her mother soon in a healthy condition. The tone of the expression is in a sensible way which shows the fear and hope in the eyes of the Poet.

My Mother At Sixty Six Important Word Meanings

  • Doze refers in the poem to the nap.
  • Ashen refers to weak, light.
  • Corpse refers to the dead body in the poem.
  • Sprinting refers to the fast movement.
  • Spilling refers to the coming out.

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My Mother At Sixty Six Poetic Device

  • Simile: her face ashen like that of a corpse, as a late winter’s moon (When the poet compares the thing with like or as then this poetic device is used).
  • Imaginary: Tree Sprinting, Merry Children Spilling (When the poet uses a line that is practically not possible then this poetic device is used).
  • Repetition: Smile, Looked (When the poem uses similar words 2 to 3 times in the poem then this poetic device is used).

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My Mother At Sixty Six Important Questions

Explain the three Smiles denote in the poem My Mother at sixty six?

During the last farewell at the airport, she smiles while seeing her mother. This Smile signifies hope for her good condition, the second smile signifies a quick comeback to her mother and the third smile signifies a false expression for not making her mother upset.

Explain the Childhood Fear of the Poet?

In Childhood, the poet is insecure about the losing of her mother, and this same fear comes out when she sees her mother getting older.

What Does the Poet mean by the image of Merry Children Spilling Out Of Their House?

By poet wants to convey the positivity and youthfulness of the children in comparison to her mother who seems like pale and Corpse (dead body).

Why is the Realization painful for the poet?

The Realization is painful for the poet because her mother is getting older and close to her last stage which puts the poet in distress and pain.

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