A Thing of Beauty by John Keats, CBSE Class 12th English Summary


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A Thing of Beauty by John Keats

The Theme of A Thing of Beauty

The very first lines give us the information of the theme that all the beautiful things are unconditional ways of inspiration. These things give us enjoyment and never fade with the passage of time.

Central Idea of A Thing of Beauty

The Central Idea of A Thing of Beauty is that all the beautiful things (such as memory, nature, and anything) will never be ended it will increase with the passage of time.

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A Thing of Beauty Stanza Wise Explanation

First Stanza: A Thing of Beauty is ……………………………………………….. and Quiet Breathing.

Everything that gives a person joy and pleasure will impact everlastingly for their whole lives and it could be anything that depends on person to person. The Things which give pleasure to a person will never fade and increase deeply with the passage of time. Here in this poem, the Poet describes the beauty with the shades of the Tree which gave pleasure and peaceful sleep for all creatures along with their good health.

Meanings: The Bower used in the paragraphs defines the shady places under the tree.

Second Stanza: Therefore, on every ………………………………………………. from our dark spirit.

In this Stanza Poet wants to explain that people are every day surrounded with sorrow and sadness but beauty (Anything that gives pleasure to a person) is the only thing that encourages and helps people to live their lives fully. As with the absence of beauty, the earth is filled with cruel and sad people so god has created beautiful things around us to remove depression and sadness from our mind and soul.

Meanings: Glommy means sad, Morrow means the next day or the following day, Wreathing means surrounded by, and Despondence means depression or anxiety.

Third Stanza: Such the sun ………………………………………………. the mid forest brake.

In this Stanza Poet describes all the beautiful things surrounded by the earth that are the Sun, the moon, trees, flowers, rivers, nature, etc. According to the poet, these things are a blessing for all the creatures of the earth which helps them to feel positive and energetic. He also added the shades of the tree, the beauty of the flowers, coolness of the river as the beauty of our mother nature in hot summer. And all these beautiful things are like blessings for mankind.

Meanings: Rills refer to the small streams, Boon means blessing or gift, Brake: Slow Down Process.

Fourth Stanza: Rich with a sprinkling ………………………………………………. from the heaven’s brink.

In this Stanza poet further continues with the other beautiful things on the earth like the fragrance of the Musk roses (which gives pleasure to mankind) and tales of the Mighty Warriors (which gives inspiration to mankind) who died for humanity. Here poet compares these beautiful things with the nectar (the sweetest fluid in a flower) and says that they are immortal because these beautiful things go throughout the end of life and their impact will last forever. These beautiful things give purposeful reason for the person on this earth in spite of all the sadness and sorrow.

Meaning: Immortal means never dying, Mighty means Great and Grandeur refers to the high-ranking officials.

Poetic Device of A Thing of Beauty

  • Metaphor: Bower quiet, Sweet dreams, Wreathing a flower band, Endless fountain of immortal drink.
  • Alliteration: Nobel nature, Cooling Covert.
  • Imaginary: Flowery band, Shady boon daffodils, clear rills, cooler covert, grandeur of the dooms, Endless fountain of immortal drink.
  • Symbols: The Sun, The Moon, Tree, Daffodils and Rills.
  • Hyperbola: Endless fountain of immortal Drink.

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Summary of A Thing of Beauty

In the poem A Thing of Beauty, the poet wants to say that all the beautiful things are endless sources of joy their beauty will never fade with time. The poet then compares the beautiful things to the shady shelter where a person gets sound sleep, sweet dreams, and health. Our attachments to all the earthly and materialistic things are like the trap that will give short-term pleasure but in the end, it will fade our eternal joys. Now earth is full of negativity and sadness but because of these beautiful things, we can survive with positivity.

Now poet tells about some of the beautiful things in nature created by the gods that are Sun, Moon, Flowers, trees, streams of rivers, forests, etc. Here Poet also compares the story of the bravery of the soldiers to the beautiful things because it will motivate and inspire the person during their gloomy days. At poet compares the beauty to the fountain of mortal drink because it helps in believing in positivity and faith in god.

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Important Question of A Thing of Beauty

What is the source of the endless fountain what is it’s effect?

Endless Fountain refers never-ending beauty of nature. This is a gift from the site of nature, the creator. Our life is full of negativity and sorrow so these beautiful things give us inspiration to move on.

What spread the poll of despondence over our dark spirit? how is it removed?

Difficulties and negativity in life spread the cloud of despondence over our dark spirits, loss of faith, and disappointment as a result of the unethical mode of living that we have adopted. We can remove it by making life worthwhile with the beautiful things of life that remove the covers of gloom and make way for optimism and hope.

What rich bounties are given to us?

Heaven has blessed us with unending beauty in nature that encircles and makes our life beautiful, externally when we think of it life and external fountain from the extreme edge of heaven and beauty bless us with joy forever.

What objects of nature does the poet mention as a source of joy in the poem?

All the Things in nature are a source of pleasure and beauty. Some of them are the sun, the moon, old and young trees, daffodils, small streams, dense blushes, and musk roses. All of them are a thing of beauty and a constant source of joy and pleasure.

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