The Rattrap By Selma Lagerlof Class 12 English Explanation, Question Answer

The Rattrap

Title of the Rattrap

The author used the rattrap as a metaphor for the world. It shows the human tendency of attracting towards materialistic things like riches, comfort, and joy offered by these things to a person as bait and as soon as someone touches the bait the trap closes in front of his eyes.

The theme of the Rattrap

The theme of the chapter focuses on the materialistic benefits that trap most of the people. The story underlines the belief that the essential goodness of a person can be awakened by love, understanding, and compensate behavior.

Character Sketch of the Rattrap

  • Peddler: Peddlers are basically the beggars who sell rattrap for their livelihood. According to him, this world is the trap and all the pleasures such as (wealth, food, and happiness) are the bait that attracts all the people. He is quite imaginative person who wore rags and roamed around here and there with sunken cheeks and hunger in his eyes.
  • Ironmaster: The Ironmaster is the kind-hearted and gentle man who has mastery on their skills. He lacks the ability to understand the person and form a conclusion because of this he thinks the peddler is his old friend Captain.
  • Edla: Edla is the daughter of the Ironmaster. She is humble and shy in nature. She has good observations in comparison to his father. She is the admirable character in this chapter who changes the heart of the peddler by showing her affection and kindness.
  • Old Croftor: Old Croftor is a lonely and kind-hearted person who needs company to pass their time because of this he provides good hospitality and shelter to the peddler.

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Summary of the Rattrap

The story revolves around its central character, a peddler who goes around selling rattrap of wire. To fulfill his daily requirements he depended on others (in the form of begging and stealing things) for survival. One day while wandering here and there he was struck by the idea that this whole world is a rattrap and all the riches offered by the world were a bait to trap any individuals in this world like a rattrap. One evening the peddler spent time in the shelter of an old crofter’s house who was generous, gave him food and tobacco, and played a game with him till bed time. At that time he informs his guest about receiving thirty Kronors as a payment from the dairy.

The next morning, the peddler stole 30 Kronors and escaped into a confusing forest, and got lost. After struggling, a lot to find the way, he recollected the idea of the world being a rattrap and thought that its end was near. Suddenly he heard a thumping sound and reached Ramsjo Iron Mills to take shelter near furnish. The iron master arrived and took notice of the peddler and misunderstood him as his old familiar person “Nils Olof” and tried to convince him to join for Christmas Eve but the peddler declined his offer. After some time, the ironmaster went out of the forge and his daughter Edla Williamson came and tried to convince him to join them for Christmas Eve and then the peddler accepted her invitation.

The next day, in the broad daylight the identity of the peddler was revealed and Ironmaster decided to call the Sheriff but Edla stopped him and showed her generosity as it was not the fault of the peddler. The peddler decided to leave but was persuaded to stay and take some rest. She just wanted to give the peddler a life he had never lived. The next morning Edla and Iron Master left for early Christmas Service to Chruch and found that the rattrap peddler had stolen 30 Kronors of a Crofter.

After hearing the news Edla is concerned and upset then soon they reach home and learn that the peddler had already left but he had not taken anything instead he left a small pocket for Edla as a Christmas gift which was a rattrap and 30 Kronors in it with a letter requesting to return the money of the Crofter and under design as a Captain Van Stonle as she treated like a Captain and aroused the goodness in him.

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Conclusion of the Rattrap

From this chapter, we understand that with the help of love, kindness, and affection we can change the heart of every person For example Respect given by Edla to Peddler have changed the heart and mentality of him.

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Important Question of the Rattrap

Why was the peddler surprised when he knocked on the door of the cottage?

Earlier, the peddler was driven away by the people and never given a warm welcome but when he knocked on the cottage of the Crofter who was suffering from loneliness and always wanted a company to talk.

Explain the reason that made the peddle change his way?

The peddler was a thief as he resorted to begging and patty thievery but when treated by Edla in a compassionate manner and given the comfort of a Captain because of that he changed his mode of ways.

Who was the owner of the Ramsjo Iron Mills? why did he visit the mills at night?

The owner of Ramsjo Iron Mill was a prominent iron master whose biggest ambition was shipping good quality iron in the market. He was dedicated to his work and he used to take inspection rounds both day and night to see whether the work was done properly or not.

Why did the iron master speak kindly to the peddler and invite him to his house?

It was a case of mistaken identity because the iron master took him as his old familiar person so out of sympathy he decided to welcome him on the special occasion of Christmas.

Why did the crofter show 30 kronor to the peddler?

The Crofter was generous with his confidence because of that he disclosed everything to his guest about the payment that he had received from the dairy, without knowing his actual identity that he was a thief.

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